Cellophaner manual for CD and DVD

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353,80 €
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SKU: NEW-E101/M - Repack
A hot manual packaging for CD jewel cases and DVD cases, for cellofanare how packet of cigarette ................
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Cellophaner manual Repack E-101M

The operators who have the need to package small and medium quantities of containers for DVD, CD and
Video Games can now get with the packaging E-101 M,the same finish quality of the
expensive packaging machines professional, but with a small investment of money.


This machine to package manually CD DVD BLURAY and another is suitable for small and medium production of packaging with the same quality of industrial machines.
No need to switch formats welding on the machine but simply replace the sheets of packaging material so that you can make cellophane wrapping of various products.
The cost of packaging per piece is very low.
The sheets used to package are made with a material that does not give off fumes or odors nor during welding.
To produce DVDs and CDs as if they were made by an industrial machine are needed twenty seconds, but better protect your product 

and valorize it.

-Bassissimo investimento
-Compatta, leggera e robusta.
-Assemblata completamente in acciaio ed alluminio.
-Raggiungimento della temperatura di lavoro in breve tempo.
-Basso consumo di energia elettrica (25 watts)
-No fumi e odori durante la saldatura.
-Timer di sicurezza.
-Brevetto internazionale.
-Made in Italy.
-2 anni di garanzia


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